Variable automatic program mode
with full-field integral metering
Aperture and shutter speed are
set automatically
This is the right program for quick-action
photography; the camera takes over exposure
control for optimum ease of operation. Set a
tendency for the automatic program by
preselecting a shutter speed setting (normal
program: "30s" shutter speed setting, next to "P"-
The lens must be stopped down to its smallest
aperture (f/16 or f/22 respectively) so that the
entire aperture range is available for the
automatic control.
P program functions with all LEICA R
Lenses with fully automatic diaphragm.
Viewfinder display:
The program symbol
P is visible at bottom left-
hand in the viewfinder; the smallest aperture set
is displayed at bottom center. At bottom right,
the automatic shutter speed appears while the
aperture computed by the camera is displayed in
the aperture scale to the right of the viewfinder.
If the lens has not been completely stopped
down, the program display
P flashes and the
aperture scale extinguishes. Using FISHEYE-
ELMARIT-R f/2.8/16mm or the former
ELMARIT-R f/2.8/19mm lens with the
minimum aperture 16, the
P symbol flashes
even if the lens has been stopped down
completely. Nevertheless, the correct shutter
speed/lens aperture combination will be
computed. In extreme brightness or very poor
light, the automatically controlled shutter
speed/aperture range may no longer be sufficient.
This is indicated by the respective
aperture/shutter speed display flashing.