A-61169 July 2003 6-5
Message Listing
Following is a list of messages and corrective actions you can take if one
of the following messages appears on the Operator Control Panel. Most
corrective actions can be found in this User’s Guide; appropriate chapters
are referenced.
If one of the following messages appears, take the following action:
• Determine whether or not the error can be addressed from the host
• If the error cannot be addressed by the host system, attempt to clear
the error by taking the action listed below.
• If the prescribed action(s) does not clear the error, initiate a controlled
power-down sequence:
Controlled Power-down Sequence
1. Wait for all information currently held in the buffer to be transferred to
the host system.
2. Turn off the scanner.
3. Wait 30 seconds.
4. Turn the scanner back on.
If the error condition is not cleared after using the controlled power-down
sequence, call Service.
Message Description
Calibrate scanner now
You must calibrate the scanner now. See Chapter 3, Operator Control Panel
Functions for calibration procedures.
Calibrate scanner soon
Calibrate the scanner when the current batch has completed. See Chapter 3,
Operator Control Panel Functions for calibration procedures.
Calibration failed
Perform a controlled power-down sequence and recalibrate the scanner. Be sure
you are using the correct calibration target. Clean the imaging guides. See
Chapter 3, Operator Control Panel Functions for the correct calibration target. If
the message persists, call Service.
Calibration succeeded
Informational message. The scanner has been successfully calibrated.