
UNIX Workstations and Servers
Part No. 1H9613 June 1997 12-5
/etc/printcap File
Edit the
file if necessary.
file contains entries separated by colons (:). If
an entry needs to continue on the next line, enter a backslash (\)
at the end of the line. Make sure that the second through the last
lines are tabbed, or the file will not be properly read.
A sample remote printer entry for a printer called 8650 accessed
through a remote BSD Unix host is shown below. The log file is /
usr/adm/8650.errs, and the files are spooled in the directory /usr/
spool/8650. The install.sh script on the UNIX Utilities for the TCP/
IP diskette automatically adds a section similar to this.
:rm= 8650:\
Printcap File Entries
Some commonly used entries in the printcap file are listed below.
Name Type Default Description
af string NULL full path and name of the account-
ing file
br number none baud rate
lf string /dev/console full path and name of error log
lp string /dev/lp device name to open for output
mc num 0 maximum number of copies