Doing more with your camera
20 www.kodak.com/go/support
Close-up pictures
Use the Close-up setting to gain sharpness and detail in pictures at close
range. Use available light instead of flash if possible. The camera automatically
sets the focus distance depending on the zoom position:
Landscape pictures
Use the Landscape setting to gain sharpness of far away scenes. With
this setting, the camera uses infinity auto-focus. Auto-focus framing marks are
not available in Landscape.
Running a slide show
Use the Slide Show to display your pictures and videos on the camera screen.
To run a slide show on a television or on any external device, see page 21. To
save battery power, use an optional Kodak 3V AC adapter. (Visit
Starting the slide show
1 Press the Review button, then press the Menu button.
2 Press to highlight Slide Show , then press the OK button.
3 Press to highlight Begin Show, then press the OK button.
Each picture and video is displayed once.
To interrupt the Slide Show, press the OK button.
Zoom position Close-up focus distance
Wide angle 4.7-27.6 in. (0.12-0.7 m)
Telephoto 3.9-6.9 ft (1.2-2.1 m)