TP-6069 6/03 17Section 5 Fuel System
Section 5 Fuel System
Explosive fuel vapors.
Can cause severe injury or death.
Useextreme carewhen handling, storing,
and using fuels.
Installing the fuel system. Explosive fuel vapors can
cause severe injury or death. Fuel leakage can cause an
explosion. Donotmodifythetankorthepropulsionenginefuel
system. Equip the craft with a tank that allows one of the two
pickuparrangementsdescribedintheinstallationsection. The
tank and installation must conform to USCG Regulations.
Note: Fuel system installations must conform to USCG
5.1 Fuel Tank
Mostmarine generator sets drawfuel from the same fuel
tank as the craft’s propulsion engine(s). If the tank’s fuel
pickup opening allows a multiple dip tube, use a multiple
dip tube arrangement. See Figure 5-1. The multipledip
tube arrangement incorporatesa shorter diptube forthe
generator set and a longer dip tube for the propulsion
engine. With this arrangement, the generator set runs
out of fuel before the propulsion engine during a low fuel
supply situation. Equip the fuel system with a fuel/water
separator to remove any accumulated dirt and water.
1. Fuel line to propulsion engine
2. Fuel line to generator set
Figure 5-1 Multiple Dip Tube Arrangement