
TP-5695 12/933-24 Scheduled Maintenance
Storage Procedure
It is recommended that the craft be afloat when the
generator set is prepared for storage since the engine
must be started.
1. Add fuel stabilizer to fuel tank. Use
recommendations of fuel stabilizer manufacturer.
2. Start generator set and run until operating
temperature is reached or about 15 minutes. Stop
generator set. Drain oil from crankcase while
engine is still warm. Replace oil filter. Refill
crankcase with specified weight oil.
For storage, seawater must be replaced with
antifreeze as described in steps 3a--c or drained as
described in steps 4a--c.
3. Close seacock and remove hose at seacock. Place
hose in a container of coolant/antifreeze.
Container should have approximately 1--2 U.S.
gallons (3.7--7.5 L) of antifreeze. A mixture of 50%
ethylene glycol and 50% clean, softened water is
a. With a suitable container at exhaust outlet, run
generator set until coolant discharge is
observed at exhaust outlet or until coolant
mixture is used up. Do not allow coolant mixture
to flow into waterways. Stop generator set.
b. Connect hose to seacock. Leave seacock
c. Check coolant level of heat exchanger and add
if necessary.
If steps 3a--c were performed to replace
seawater with antifreeze, omit steps 4a--c.
4. Close seacock and drain all seawater out of cooling
a. Drain seawater from strainer and seawater
b. Remove zinc anode or end cap on heat
exchanger, whichever is more convenient, to
drain only seawater. Use an air hose to blow out
any remaining seawater, if necessary. Check
coolant level of heat exchanger and add if
c. Drain seawater from exhaust waterline.
If freezing temperatures will be encountered during
storage, be sure engine coolant is capable of
withstanding the lowest possible temperatures.
Generally, a mixture of 50% ethylene glycol and
50% clean, softened water is sufficient.
5. Remove spark plugs and pour one teaspoon of
engine oil into each cylinder. Crank the engine
several times to coat the cylinder walls with oil.
Reinstall the spark plugs.
6. If fuel stabilizer was not added to fuel tank, drain
fuel completely from fuel tank. Gum deposits will
develop if gasoline is stored for the season.
7. Clean exterior of generator set and spread a light
film of oil or silicon spray over any exposed
surfaces which may be subject to rust or corrosion.
8. Using tape, seal air inlet, exhaust pipe, and fuel
tank cap.
9. Disconnect and remove battery. Battery should be
placed in a warm, dry location for period of storage.
Recharge battery once a month to maintain full
10. Cover entire unit with a dust cover.