Order Card - How to order:
1. Enter under “Sender/orderer”your name, address and telephone number
(for possible queries) in block capitals.
2. Please tick your preferred payment method on the order card. You have got
three options:
A:By cheque: Please place a cheque made payable to
together with your completed order card into an envelope and post to our po-
stal address below.
B: Creditcard/Debitcard for questions call:
0870 7876177
C: Bank Transfer (BACS): Please transfer the complete amount to our account below:
Barclays Bank
Windsor Branch
Account Number 20914959
Sort Code: 20-97-09
Domestic Electrical Solutions Ltd
On your transfer, please provide the article(s) you ordered as well as your
complete name and address. Then post your completed order card to our
postal address below.
Our postal address:
Units 14-15
Bilston Industrial Estate
Oxford Street, Bilston
WV14 7EG
• Please affix sufficient postage to the letter.
• Write your name as the sender on the envelope.
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