The attainment of the operating tem-
perature is indicated through the ligh-
ting up of the green LED indicator lamp
. For a more uniform
laminating result we recommend,
especially for thinner foils (below 125
Micron) and with adjustment to a dif-
ferent foil thickness, to first wait an
additional ca. 2-3 minutes before
beginning with lamination.
➩ Lay the document to be laminated into a
laminating pouch of the appropriate size.
Make certain that all corners of the
document have at least two millimetres
of space to the edge of the laminating
pouch, as shown in Fig. 1. Make certain
that you use only one pouch for lami-
nating. First open it up, as shown in
Fig. 2.
For information about the lamination
process, please read section 10.
Fig. 1
- 7 -
9. Preparing for cold
If you have previously performed hot
lamination: After hot laminating, allow
the laminator to cool down completely
before beginning with cold lamination.
Remember, the rolls inside the laminator
will still be hot. These can damage the
laminating pouch and the document
to be laminated!
➩ Insert the pouch guide
into the holes
provided on the rear of the laminator.
➩ Fold apart the pouch guide
➩ Insert the laminator power plug into a
power socket.
Fig. 2
IB_KH4412_E6005_UK_3.qxd 19.09.2007 11:19 Uhr Seite 7