
MFP Buying Criteria
Gartner Dataquest recently published “Make the Best Choice of Document MFP
Vendor” (February 2004), a document that outlines the need for buyers to redefine
their buying criteria when they are choosing a vendor to meet their office products
needs. A key buying criteria is to ask the vendor , “do you promote user productivity”.
According to this publication, “MFPs should do more than save money by replacing
printers, copiers and fax machines. They should help people do their jobs more easily,
faster or at a higher standard than they can today. This means designing the MFP
so it can be integrated into the customers work processes, and providing services
that make it easy to do so.
The bizhub 180 has been designed to perform as an outstanding printer, exceptional
Segment 1 digital copier and a superb scanner and fax device.
To assist you in your Segment 1 qualifying efforts, the charts below indicate the top
five acquisition criteria for Segment 1. This list in combination with the information
provided in the Digital Technologies section will help you address the wants and needs
of your Segment 1 customers. This information was published by Gartner Dataquest
in December 2000 and is based on a user survey conducted in the fall of 2000.
This remains the most recent end user survey conducted by Gartner Dataquest.
(Scale of 1-5)
Acquisition Criteria Mean Rating
Reliability 4.7
Copy Quality 4.3
Service Support 4.1
Ease of Use 4.0
Reputation of Local Dealer 3.9
Source: Gartner Dataquest (December 2000)
bizhub 180 Marketplace