Setting Up the Printer Web Page98
" Our examples represent the IP address of the printer with:
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx. Always enter your printer's IP address without lead-
ing zeros. For example, should be entered as
Internet Explorer (version 6.0 for Windows)
1 Start Internet Explorer.
2 From the Tools menu
choose Internet Options.
3 Select the Connections tab
on the dialog box.
4 Choose the LAN Settings
button to display the Local
Area Network (LAN) Set-
tings dialog box.
5 Select Advanced in Proxy
server to open the Proxy Set-
tings dialog box.
6 In the Exceptions text box,
type a comma after the last
entry and then type the
printer name or the IP
address of your printer.
7 Choose OK three times to return to the main browser window.
8 Enter the printer’s IP address in the URL Address box to access the
printer home page.