Print Media46
Guaranteed Imageable (Printable) Area
The printable area on all media sizes is
up to 4 mm (0.157") from the edges of
the media.
Each media size has a specific image-
able area, the maximum area on which
the machine can print clearly and with-
out distortion.
This area is subject to both hardware
limits (the physical media size and the
margins required by the machine) and
software constraints (the amount of
memory available for the full-page frame buffer). The guaranteed imageable
(printable) area for all media sizes is the page size minus 4 mm (0.157") from
all edges of the media.
" When printing in color on legal-size media, the bottom margin is
18 mm (0.709").
" When printing on glossy media, the top margin is 10 mm (0.394").
Imageable Area—Envelopes
Envelopes have a nonguaranteed imageable area that varies with envelope
" The envelope
print orienta-
tion is deter-
by your appli-
Page Margins
Margins are set through your application. Some applications allow you to set
custom page sizes and margins while others have only standard page sizes
and margins from which to choose. If you choose a standard format, you may
lose part of your image (due to imageable area constraints). If you can cus-
tom-size your page in your application, use those sizes given for the imagea-
ble area for optimum results.
a = 4 mm (0.157")
Nonguaranteed area
Nonimageable area 4 mm (0.157")