
1. Set the command switch
to .
For best results use your lens in the mid-telephoto range
(56mm - 80mm).
Use flash when your subject is backlit, or there are strong
shadows across the face.
Lock focus on your subjects eyes and be ready to capture the
perfect expression.
Use Portrait mode when
photographing people. Portrait
photography benefits from a
shallow depth-of-field. A
shallow depth-of-field
separates the subject from the
background. In portrait mode,
the camera is set to achieve
this effect, leaving you free to
compose the picture and
capture the perfect expression.
2. Press the command-
mode button until the
subject-program pointer
is under .
1. Set the command switch
to .
Use a wide angle focal length to create a feeling of depth in
the photograph.
Use flash when a subject in the foreground is backlit or has
strong shadows across the face. If there is no subject in the
foreground do not use flash.
Use a tripod, especially at slower shutter speeds.
Select Landscape mode for
landscape, scenic, or travel
photographs. Landscape
photography generally requires
a large depth-of-field to make
sure everything is in focus. To
achieve this, the camera sets
the smallest aperture possible
while maintaining a fast shutter
speed to prevent blur caused
by camera shake.
2. Press the command-
mode button until the
subject-program pointer
is under .