
Settings Section
Values displayed in the analog display section
For xyLv, T
uvLv, u'v'Lv or XYZ mode
x =
× 100 (%)
y =
× 100 (%)
Lv =
× 100 (%)
where, xt, yt, Lvt : Target color values
x, y, Lv : Measured values
Below ±n%
Below ±n×2%
Below ±n×4%
Below ±n×8%
For xyLv, T
uvLv, analyzer, u'v'Lv or XYZ mode
Red Green Red
or lower
or higher
Below ±n%
Below ±n×2%
Below ±n×4%
Below ±n×8%
8% or higher
Red Green Red
2. Setting the Analog Display Range
The analog display section displays the difference (%) between the measured value and the target color as well as
the difference (%) between measured values in the case of a measurement mode other than flicker mode**.In the
case of flicker mode, the measured values will be displayed as they are.
The range for each dot can be set as follows.
1 xyLv, TuvLv, u'v'Lv or XYZ measurement mode ..... x, y and Lv
2 Analyzer Mode
For G-reference .............. R/G, B/G and G
For R-reference............... R, B/R and G/R
3 Flicker Mode** ................... Flicker value
The range must be set independently of 1 , 2. and 3
In the case of 1 , the range set here will be used commonly by all the modes. Thus, for instance, if x and
y are set to 2% and Lv is set to 10% for xyLv mode, x and y will be displayed in 2% and Lv in 10%
irrespective of the measurement mode (xyLv, TuvLv, u'v'Lv or XYZ).
In the case of 2 , the value set for G (G-reference), the value set for R (R-reference), the values set for R/
G and B/G (G-reference) and those set for B/R and G/R (R-reference) will be common. Thus, for instance,
if G is set to 5% and both R/G and B/G are set to 3% in the case of G-reference, R will be displayed in 5%
and both B/R and G/R in 3% in the case of R-reference.
In the case of 3 , the analog display range for each dot can be set for flicker value.
Settable range ........... 0.1 to 99%
In 0.1% step for the range from 0.1 to 9.9%
In 1% step for the range from 10 to 99%
How to Read Analog Display
When n% range is set
**Flicker Mode is a function which can be used only when LED Flicker Measuring ø27 Probe(CA-P32/35) or LED Flicker Measuring ø10
Probe(CA-PS32/35) is connected.
For flicker mode**