
Printing wwith KKP
Printer Options
17. Output Bin
To access your choices for the Output Bin feature, enter 17 at the Printer Options List.
The choices you will see are as follows:
Output Bin choices
1. Upper
2. Lower (default)
Enter selection number for Output Bin [2]:
To change the setting, press the number of your choice; pressing Return will take you
back to the Printer Options List.
Use this mode to select which tray you would like your
finished documents to be output into.
For more information about Output Bin settings, refer to the User's Reference Guide
included with your Konica Workgroup Document System.
18. Tandem Printing
To access your choices for the Tandem Printing feature, enter 18 at the Printer Options
List. The choices you will see are as follows:
Tandem Printing choices
1. Normal Mode (Auto Select) (default)
Enter selection number for Tandem Printing [1]:
The printer that we configured in the sample configuration does not have tandem printing
options. Therefore, no options are available in this section.
To change the setting, press the number of your choice; pressing Return will take you
back to the Printer Options List.
The optional tandem kit enables a Primary copier to work in
tandem with a Secondary copier for the purpose of complet-
ing large copying jobs faster. Two units working in tandem
can distribute a job in half the time of non-tandem mode.
For more information about Tandem Printing settings, refer to the User's Reference Guide
included with your Konica Workgroup Document System.
Konica Print Utility 31