Parameter Guide
This is the Pelog scale, an Indonesian gamelan scale that
divides the octave into seven notes. If the “Scale Key” is C,
use the C, D, E, F, G, A, and B notes
User Scale
This will be the scale that was specified in Global mode
Page 7A: User Scale.
E: Scale Key........................................................[C...B]
Specify the key (tonic) that will be the basis of the scale
selected by “Scale.”
2. NAME (Program Name)
A: Name .......................................................... [!...’]
Specify the name of the program.
Use the CURSOR[√][®] keys, the [+/YES] [–/NO] keys, the
[EDIT] key, and the sixteen knobs to specify the name.
For the procedure, refer to p.29 Basic Guide, Edit section
“Changing the program name.”
3. SYNTH Parameters
These are the parameters for synth programs (i.e., programs
whose Page 01A: COMMON “Mode” is Single/Dual/Split).
In the case of Dual/Split, use the front panel TMIBRE
SELECT [SELECT] key to switch between the timbres for
These parameters specify how the timbre will be sounded,
and set the MIDI channel.
A: Assign .....................................[Mono, Poly, Unison]
Specify how the timbre will be sounded
The timbre will sound monophonically (single notes).
The timbre will sound polyphonically. A maximum of four
voices (notes) can be played simultaneously.
If “Mode” is Dual/Split, each timbre will sound the num-
ber of voices specified by “Timbre Voice.”
The timbre will sound in unison.
If “Mode” is Dual/Split, each timbre will apply a unison
effect with the number of voices specified by “Timbre
If “Mode” is Dual/Split and the maximum polyphony
of the timbre (“Timbre Voice”) has been set to 1 (note),
the timbre will sound monophonically regardless of
this setting.
B: MIDI ch ..............................................[GLB, 01...16]
Specify the MIDI transmit/receive channel of each timbre.
The global MIDI channel (set in Global mode Page 3A:
MIDI “MIDI Ch”) will be used as the MIDI transmit/
receive channel of the timbre. Select GLB if you are play-
ing the MS2000/MS2000R from its own keyboard or from
a connected MIDI keyboard.
The specified channel will be used as the MIDI transmit/
receive channel of the timbre.
When using the MS2000/MS2000R with a connected
external MIDI sequencer, set the MIDI transmit/receive
channel of each timbre to match the MIDI channel of the
appropriate track of your MIDI sequencer.
If the channel you select is the same as the global MIDI
channel, a “G” will be displayed beside the setting.
C: Priority........................................... [Last, Low, High]
Specify which note on the keyboard will be sounded when
you simultaneously play more notes than the number of
voices specified for this timbre.
The last-played note will be given priority.
The lowest note on the keyboard will be given priority.
The highest note on the keyboard will be given priority.
D: Trigger............................................... [Single, Multi]
Select the trigger mode.
This specifies whether retriggering will occur if you continue
holding the first-pressed note and play another note.
This parameter will be displayed and can be set only if Page
03A: VOICE “Assign” is set to Mono/Unison.
The second and subsequent notes will not retrigger the EG
or LFO.
Use this setting when you wish to play legato.
The EG and LFO will be retriggered each time a note is
Page02: NAME
Page03: VOICE
Available characters
Note on
Note on
Program parameters