Control changes
Control changes [Bn, cc, vv]
(n: channel, cc: control change no., vv: value)
Movements of the MODULATION wheel or a modulation
source (MIDI 1, MIDI 2) can be transmitted and received as
various controllers according to their control change num-
If you wish to transmit and receive control change mes-
sages, set Global mode Page 4B: MIDI FILTER “CtrlChg” to
ENA. If this is set to DIS, control change messages will not
be transmitted or received.
• Modulation depth (CC#01) [Bn, 01, vv]
When modulation depth is received, it will adjust the depth
of the vibrato produced by LFO2 according to the setting of
LCD Edit mode Page 4C: PITCH “Vibrato Int.” If the maxi-
mum value (127) is received, vibrato will be applied over
the full pitch range specified by “Vibrato Int.” If a value of
0 is received, no vibrato will be applied.
When you move the MODULATION wheel of the MS2000,
modulation depth messages will be transmitted on the glo-
bal MIDI channel.
• Volume (CC#07) [Bn, 07, vv]
If you set Global mode Page 6A: PEDAL & SW “A.Pedal”
to Volume, pedal movements will transmit volume mes-
sages on the global MIDI channel. By setting the AMP
“Level” control change assignment to volume (CC#07), you
can receive volume messages to control the volume.
• Panpot (CC#10) [Bn, 0A, vv]
If you set Global mode Page 6A: PEDAL & SW “A.Pedal”
to Panpot, pedal movements will transmit panpot mes-
sages on the global MIDI channel. By setting the AMP
“Panpot” control change assignment to panpot (CC#10),
you can receive panpot messages to move the stereo loca-
tion of the sound.
• Expression (CC#11) [Bn, 0B, vv]
When expression messages are received, the timbre volume
will be controlled. If the maximum value (127) is received
the volume will be maximum, and if a value of 0 is received
the volume will be 0.
If you set Global mode Page 6A: PEDAL & SW “A.Pedal”
to Exp Pdl, pedal movements will transmit expression mes-
sages on the global MIDI channel.
• Damper pedal (CC#64) [Bn, 40, vv]
Damper pedal messages can be received to turn the
damper (hold) effect on/off for a timbre.
If you set Global mode Page 6B: PEDAL & SW “A.SwFunc”
to Damper, movements of the assignable switch will trans-
mit damper pedal messages on the global MIDI channel (0:
OFF, 7F: ON).
• Portamento (CC#65) [Bn, 41, vv]
When portamento messages are received, the portamento
effect of the timbre will be turned on/off. (If portamento
time is 0, there will be no portamento effect.)
If you set Global mode Page 6B: PEDAL & SW “A.SwFunc”
to Portmnt, movements of the assignable switch will trans-
mit portamento messages on the global MIDI channel (0:
OFF, 7F: ON).
Using control changes as a modulation source for
a virtual patch
By setting Global mode Page 3D, 3: MIDI “MIDI 1” or
“MIDI 2” to CC#cc (cc=00–95), you can use control changes
as the modulation source of the virtual patch of a synth
program or the FC MOD modulation source of a vocoder
program. The value 0–127 of the modulation source will be
used without change, and no distinction will be made
between upper byte (MSB)/lower byte (LSB) or between
continuous type/switch type.
Assigning control changes to a parameter con-
troller (knob, key)
You can make settings in Global mode Page 5A: CTRL
CHANGE to assign principal parameter controllers of the
front panel (knobs, keys) to control changes CC#00–CC#95.
By doing so, you can use these controllers to transmit the
corresponding control change message, and when the con-
trol change messages are received the result will be the
same as if the controller were operated. (☞p.65 “Front
panel knob/key control change assignments”)
Sound parameter controllers will transmit and receive on
the timbre channel, and effect parameter controllers will
transmit and receive on the global MIDI channel.
If the voice mode of the program is Split or Dual and if
both timbre channels are set to the global MIDI channel
(GLB), control change messages will be transmitted only
for the timbre chosen by the front panel TIMBRE SELECT
[SELECT] key.
By using the front panel TIMBRE SELECT [SELECT] key to
switch timbres, you can transmit a message (Timbre Select)
that specifies the timbre to which the messages will apply.
When the MS2000/MS2000R receives a Timbre Select mes-
sage, the timbre will switch according to the received
value. A control change message is used for this Timbre
Select message as specified by Global mode Page 4H: MIDI
FILTER “TimbSelect” (0: Timbre 1, 1–127: Timbre 2).