5-11-1.Area method
To measure the cup-to-disk ratio:
1. Click the Cup tool. The Cup Area dialog box appears
2. Move the mouse around the cup area, clicking 12 points to define the edge. The area of the cup is displayed.
Maximum points are 12 points. By clicking [End] button, you can select less than 12.
3. Move the mouse around the disk area, again clicking 12 points to define the edge. The area of the disk is
displayed. The cup-to-disk ratio is displayed in the dialog window.
4. Click the Ok button to finish. The ratio is automatically displayed on the image.
5-11-2.Length method
To measure the cup-to-disk ratio:
1. Click the Cup tool. The Cup Area dialog box appears
Click on one endpoint of a segment of interest, and move mouse while holding down left button.
Click on another endpoint, and move mouse while holding down left button.
4. Click the Ok button to finish. The ratio is automatically displayed on the image.