3 Overview
The Kramer 6810HDxl SDI/HD-SDI/3G Audio Embedder/De-embedder is a
broadcast quality audio embedder and de-embedder (it embeds and de-embeds
simultaneously) for serial digital video.
The 6810HDxl features:
A maximum data rate of 3Gpbs
1 SDI video and 4 AES/3id inputs
1 SDI video and 4 AES/3id outputs
1 looping video input
Multi-standard operation: SDI (SMPTE 259M and SMPTE 344M), HD−SDI
(SMPTE 292M) and 3G HD−SDI (SMPTE 424M)
Group select buttons to choose the group to embed into or de-embed from
each channel pair
Kramer Equalization & reKlocking™ Technology that rebuilds the digital
signal to travel longer distances
Status indicators: audio group detect, embed/de-embed group select, and
SD/HD lock
5V DC power
3.1 Defining the 6810HDxl SDI/HD-SDI/3G Audio
This section defines the 6810HDxl.