Operating the Seamless Switcher / Scaler
The zoom ratio and the zoom position are illustrated by a small rectangle
inside a transparent pop-up OSD Enlarge status box that appears at the top
right corner of the screen, as the example in Figure 18 illustrates:
Figure 18: OSD Enlarge Status
When you change the zoom ratio or zoom position, the screen image is
adjusted correspondingly, and the change is reflected in the pop-up OSD
Enlarge status box. For example, Figure 19 illustrates a zoom ratio increase
from 200% (Image A) to 400% (Image B):
Figure 19: Zoom Ratio Adjustment Example
Figure 20 illustrates how the pop-up OSD Enlarge status box shows a zoom
position adjustment from the top left corner (Image C) to the lower right
corner (Image D):
Figure 20: Zoom Position Adjustment Example