
Connecting the VS-66FW
5.3 Controlling via RS-485
You can control a VS-66FW unit via any RS-485 remote controller or a PC
(equipped with an RS-485 interface).
To connect an RS-485 remote controller to a VS-66FW:
1. Connect the RS-485 port on the RS-485 remote controller to the RS-485
ports on the VS-66FW unit, as follows:
 Connect the “A” (+) PIN on the RS-485 remote controller to the “+” (A)
PIN on the RS-485 port of the VS-66FW unit
 Connect the “B” (-) PIN on the RS-485 remote controller to the “B” (-)
PIN on the RS-485 port of the VS-66FW unit
 If shielded twisted pair cable is used, the shield may be connected to the
“G” (Ground) PIN on one of the units (for example, on the RS-485 remote
2. Set the SETUP dipswitches on the VS-66FW unit as follows:
 Set the first VS-66FW unit to MACHINE # 1
 Set the second VS-66FW unit to MACHINE # 2
and set DIP 8 to ON,
terminating the RS-485 line
5.4 Setting the Dipswitches
Figure 6 illustrates the factory default dipswitches:
Figure 6: Dipswitch Settings
Table 3: Dipswitch Settings
Function DIPS Description
Machine # 1, 2, 3, 4 Determines the position of a unit in the sequence (see section 5.4.1)
Reserved 5 OFF
Reserved 6 OFF
Reserved 7 OFF
RS-485 Termination 8
ON for RS-485 Line Termination with 120;
OFF for no RS-485 Line Termination
1 See Table 3
2 The RS-485 line must also be terminated at the remote controller. Refer to the remote controller’s user manual for details of
how to terminate the RS-485 line on the remote controller