
Check transmission oil level (125/200)
In order to check the transmission oil level the control screw [1] on the clutch
cover is to be removed. Oil should just barely escape from the inspection open-
ing when the motorcycle is in an upright position. If necessary, remove the
plug [2] and top up with oil (e. g. Motorex Top Speed 4T 15W50).
Transmission and clutch will be subjected to excessive wear and tear if you
use too little or low grade oil. Use only high-grade oil (e. g. Motorex Top Speed
4T 15W50).
Changing the transmission oil (125/200) *
To change the gear oil warm up the engine and park the motorcycle on a hor-
izontal surface. Remove oil drain plugs [3] and [4] and drain the used oil into
an appropriate container. Clean the magnets of the oil drain plugs and mount
them together with the appropriate gaskets. Fill in 0.7 l oil (e. g. Motorex Top
Speed 4T 15W50), mount the plug [2] and check the engine for leaks.
Transmission and clutch will be subjected to excessive wear and tear if you
use too little or low grade oil. Use only high-grade oil (e. g. Motorex Top Speed
4T 15W50).
Check transmission oil level (250/300)
In order to check the transmission oil level the control screw [5] on the clutch
cover is to be removed. Oil should just barely escape from the inspection open-
ing when the motorcycle is in an upright position. If necessary, remove the
plug [6] and top up with oil (e. g. Motorex Top Speed 4T 15W50).
Transmission and clutch will be subjected to excessive wear and tear if you
use too little or low grade oil. Use only high-grade oil (e. g. Motorex Top Speed
4T 15W50).
Changing the transmission oil (250/300) *
To change the transmission oil run the engine warm and set up the motorcy-
cle on a horizontal surface. Remove the oil drain screw [7] and drain used oil
into a container. Clean the magnet of the oil drain screw and reinstall oil drain
screw with seal. Pour in 0.7 litres engine oil (e. g. Motorex Top Speed 4T
15W50), replace plug [6] and check engine for leaks.
Transmission and clutch will be subject to excessive wear and tear, if you use
too little or low grade oil. Use only high-grade oil (e. g. Motorex Top Speed
4T 15W50).