Coupe Footswitch
1) LEAD—The Lead footswitch selects between Rhythm and Lead Chan-
nels on the amplifier, regardless of the setting of the channel selector
switch on the front panel. If the LEAD word is backlit, then the Lead chan-
nel is active. If the LEAD word is unlit, then the Rhythm channel is ac-
2) BOOST—The Boost footswitch selects the adjustable volume boost
as determined on the back of the Coupe amplifier. This gives up to 10dB
of “master” volume boost and the tone is optimized for solos. It affects
either channel, and when the Boost is backlit, the Volume Boost control
on the amp is functional.
3) EFFECT—The Effect footswitch activates the Reverb on the ’36 Coupe,
and is switch assignable for Reverb or Tremolo on the ’72 Coupe. When
Effect is backlit, the appropriate effect is activated.
Emergency Mono Cable Use: If the stereo cable or footswitch were dam-
aged, a regular instrument amp cable or single button footswitch can be
used to provide limited capability. If a mono cable were used, the Chan-
nel Selection(Lead) button would select between Rhythm and Lead, but
it would not illuminate. Also, the Boost function would be disabled, and
on the ’36 Coupe, the Reverb would also be disabled. On the ’72 Coupe,
either Reverb or Tremolo could still be used since selecting the other with
the footswitch assign button would disable it.
F o o t s w i t c h C o n t r o l s