1) NORMAL This 1/4-inch input provides full tonal response and
offers the same amount of gain as the Tight input.
2) TIGHT This 1/4-inch input “tightens” the attack response of
the entire amplifier to provide the chunkiest tone possible. It of-
fers the same amount of gain as the Normal input.
3) CHANNEL SELECTOR SWITCH This switch allows the user to
manually select the Rhythm, Lead I or Lead II channels. If the
Footswitch is plugged in, this front panel switch overrides the
Footswitch (Boost and Effects remain controllable by Footswitch).
When using the footswitch, set Channel Selector to “Footswitch”
4) LEAD I These six controls plus the Cross and its four switches pro-
vide complete control over the tone, gain and attack characteristics
as well as the overall loudness of the Lead I channel.
5) RHYTHM These six controls and two switches control the tone,
gain and attack characteristics as well as the overall loudness of the
Rhythm Channel.
6) LEAD II These six controls plus the Cross and its four switches
provide complete control over the tone, gain and attack characteris-
tics as well as the overall loudness of the Lead II channel.
7) EFFECTS INDICATOR When lit, this indicates that the Effects Loop
is active.
Front Control Panel
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