User Login Setting
User login administration specifies how the user access is administered on this machine. Enter a correct login
user name and password for user authentication to login.
Access are in three levels - User, Administrator, and Machine Administrator. The security levels can be modified
only by the machine administrator.
Users that are not able to log in to the machine can be allowed to use the functions of the machine on a restricted
basis. The users can use the machine without performing authentication, and thus this feature is convenient
when the majority of users are managed with the same authority. You can prohibit the box store function in
"Guest authorization Set." so that the box store function cannot be used unless the user logs in.
If To use this function, press Authentication key and login appears while operating the machine, you must press
the Authentication/Logout key and log in as a user for whom the function is not prohibited.
First User Login Administration
Follow these steps for the first user login administration.
Enable user login administration. (page 10-2)
Add a user.(page 10-5)
Log out.(page 10-4)
The registered user logs in for operations.(page 10-3)
User Login
This enables user login administration. Select one of the following authentication methods:
Use the procedure below to enable user login administration.
1 Press the System Menu key.
2 Press [User Login/Job Accounting].
3 If the user authentication screen appears, enter
your login user name and password and then press
[Login]. For this, you need to login with
administrator privileges. Refer to Adding a User
(Local User List) on page 10-5 for the default login
user name and password.
4 Press [Next] of User Login Setting and then
[Change] of User Login.
Item Description
Local Authentication User authentication based on user properties on the local
user list stored in the machine.
Network Authentication User authentication based on Authentication Server. Use a
user property stored in an Authentication Server to access the
network authentication login page.