Failed to send via FTP. Check the following of the FTP
- Is FTP available?
- The server is not operating properly.
Check the network.
- The network cable is connected.
- The hub is not operating properly.
- The server is not operating properly
Failed to send the e-mail.
Failed to send i-FAX.
Check the network.
- The network cable is connected.
- The hub is not operating properly.
- The server is not operating properly.
2201 Failed to send the e-mail.
Failed to send via FTP.
Failed to send via SMB.
Failed to send i-FAX.
Check the network.
- The network cable is connected.
- The hub is not operating properly.
- The server is not operating properly.
2202 Failed to send the e-mail.
Failed to send via FTP.
Failed to send i-FAX.
2203 Failed to send via FTP.
Failed to send via SMB.
2231 Failed to send via FTP.
2204 Failed to send the e-mail.
Failed to send i-FAX.
Check the e-mail size limit of the
SMTP settings on the Command
Center RX.
3101 Failed to send the e-mail.
Failed to send i-FAX.
Check the authentication methods of
both the sender and the recipient.
Failed to send via FTP. Check the network.
- The network cable is connected.
- The hub is not operating properly.
- The server is not operating properly.
3201 Failed to send the e-mail.
Failed to send i-FAX.
Check the SMTP user authentication
method of the recipient.
Error Message Corrective Actions Reference Page