(4) Removing the printer
Observe the following precautions in removal and transportation of the printer.
• Be sure to repack the printer in its original carton.
• Do not leave the printer, toner container, process unit and other printer modules inside a vehicle
if the outdoor temperature is more than 25 °C. As unexpectedly high temperature may develop
inside when a vehicle is parked for a long period of time, the drum, toner container, process unit
and the supplies should be removed from the vehicle. The vehicle during transportation should
be parked in the shade or with the window open to allow minimum air circulation or the adequate
air conditioning should be made.
• Should the printer be left in a vehicle, it may not be exposed to the temperature change of more
than 7 °C within 30 minutes.
• Before removing the printer to a warm place, wrap it in a blanket, etc., before crating it. Allow
approximately two to three hours after having moved after uncrated. Failure to observe the
above may result in moisture condensation which will affect the performance of the printer.