Using the Printer
Outline for Menus
■ Interface menu
The Interface menu selects one of the three printer interfaces (Option is available only if
an option network interface card is installed) on which subsequent mode menu settings
become effective. The Parallel and Serial options have the second level menus as
described below.
Level 1 Level 2 Range
Interface > >Parallel I/F Auto
High speed
Nibble (high)
Level 3 Range
>Serial >Baud rate 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 (Default),
19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
>Data bits 7 or 8 (Default)
>Stop bits 1 (Default) or 2
>Parity None (Default), Odd, Even, Ignore
>Protocol DTR (pos.) & XON (Default), DTR
(positive), DTR (negative),
>Barcode mode*
Off (Default) and On
Available only when the optional harddisk is installed in the printer.
Displayed only when network board or other option board installed.
Parallel Interface Mode
The parallel interface mode of this printer supports a bi-directional/high-speed mode.
Display Description
Nibble (high) The parallel interface is in high-speed/bi-directional mode in com-
pliace with the IEEE1284 standard (Default).
Auto The printer automatically changes its communication mode to the
one the host computer is using.
Normal The parallel interface is configured according to standard specifi-
cations. Use this setting when conventional timing must be used.
High speed The parallel interface is in high-speed mode.
After setting the interface, be sure to reset the printer or turn the power off at least once.
The new setting will be enabled thereafter.