
Parallel Interface
Pin In/out Description
26 Ground return
27 Ground return
28 Ground return
29 Ground return
30 Ground return
31 In Ignored [nInit]
32 Out Error*, returns error status if FRPO O2=2 [nFault]
34 Not connected
35 Out Power Ready
36 In Select In [NSelectIn]
[ ]: Signal names in the Auto mode (IEEE 1284). In the Auto mode, these signals are bi-directional.
Detailed descriptions of the signals follow.
Strobe* [nStrobe] (Pin 1)
A negative-going Strobe* pulse causes the printer to read and latch the data on the Data 0 [1] to Data
7 [8] signal lines.
Data 0 [1] to Data 7 [8] (Pins 2 to 9)
These eight signals form the data byte sent from the host computer to the printer. Data 7 [8] is the
most significant bit.
Acknowledge* [nAck] (Pin 10)
This negative-going pulse acknowledges the previous character received by the printer. Acknowledge*
pulses are sent only when Busy is low.
Busy [Busy] (Pin 11)
This signal is high when the printer is busy and low when it is able to accept more data. Every high-to-
low transition is followed by an Acknowledge* pulse.