
The screen pictured here
appear when [Print] is selected
from a software application,
(in this case MS Word). By
selecting [Properties] found in
the upper right corner, users
can modify selections on the
KX Driver’s nine tabs: Media,
Layout, Imaging, Colour,
Output, Prologue/ Epilogue,
Watermark, Profile, and About.
The following section provides
an overview of the features
activated under these tabs.
For additional information, please review the FS-C5020N or FS-C5030N Printer
Operation Guides.
Media Tab
This tab enables
users to access the following
Page Size - The size of the
document created in the
Print Size - The
size of the document
being printed on the
FS-C5020/30N. Typically,
the Page Size and
Print Size should match.
However, if a user creates an 279mm x 429mm document in a software
application and wants to print using A4 size paper, the FS-C5020/30N will
automatically reduce the document by 64% to fit onto the Letter size paper.
Orientation - As with any Printer, users can select Landscape or Portrait and
have the ability to Rotate the image. Based on the orientation of the paper in
the drawer, users can activate Rotate to ensure the proper positioning of the
image on the page.
Source - Activation of this pull down menu enables users to select the Paper
Drawer - based on the size of the output paper desired for each job.
Media Type - Users can select from fifteen different types of paper stocks
including Plain Paper, Transparency, Envelopes, Preprinted, Labels, Heavy
Stocks, plus eight Custom Stocks.
FS-C5020N and FS-C5030N Product Guide
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KX Driver