Operation Guide 41
Advanced > E-mail > POP3 > General
To use the E-mail function, you need to connect the printing system to an E-mail server
using the POP3 protocol.
Advanced > E-mail > POP3 > User #
This page allows you to set the POP3 user account and information on the POP3 server.
Up to three users can be set.
Event Report
Enter the E-mail interval. An E-mail will be sent at the end of
the interval only when at least one of the selected error
conditions has occurred during the interval. The interval can
be set from 1 minute to 10000 minutes.
Report Items
Check one or more items from Printer Status, Network
Status, and Counter Status.
Report Interval
Select the time or interval for sending the status information.
• None: No report is sent.
• Monthly: Sends on the specified day of specified month.
• Weekly: Sends on the specified day of every week.
• Daily: Sends at the specified time of every day.
• Hourly: Sends at the specified interval every hour.
If a specified day does not exist in the month, such as the
31st, the last day of the month is used as the specified day.
Run once now
You can test this by clicking the Send button to immediately
send a report.
Item Description
Item Description
POP3 Protocol
Enables or disables POP3 protocol.
Check Interval
Checks E-mails in POP3 server at specific interval. Specify
the interval in the range from 3 minutes to 60 minutes. The
default is 15 minutes.
Run once now
Click the Receive button to immediately receive E-mail from
the POP3 server.
Enter the domain names that can be permitted or rejected.
You can also specify the E-mail addresses.
Item Description
User Profile #
Enables or disables this user number.
E-mail Address
Enter the E-mail address.
POP3 Server
Enter the POP3 server name or IP address.
POP3 Port
Enter the POP3 port number or use the default port number 110.