The Color Laser Printer Guide: Vendor & Product Profiles
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osts per page are quite good: 8.9¢ for a color page and
1.4¢ for black. Those costs are very impressive for a low-
ost printer and makes this machine worthy of a second
This is a decent printer, but while it would have been a
strong competitor a year ago, it has now been outgunned
by newer introductions. The consumables costs alone
might make this a very good buy if you are interested in
a small workgroup printer.
Chart entry — page 116
TallyGenicom 8026
26ppm full color
36ppm black & white
Sum-up: Very good speed on a proven platform.
The TallyGenicom 8026 is a fast color laser printer that
offers 26ppm speed in color and 36ppm speed in black-
and-white. It has a street price of $999. It is based on the
same Fuji Xerox engine as the Konica Minolta magicol-
or 3300 family, which sells for considerably less.
The unit comes with 128MB of memory and you can
upgrade it to 256MB. It is powered by a 533MHz proces-
. PostScript is a standard feature. Ethernet and USB
connectivity are standard.
Like many other color printers, this one has a 150-sheet
bypass and a 500-sheet paper tray. You can add up to two
more 550-sheet paper tr
ays or a 1,500-sheet tray. The
bypass handles heavy stock paper. Output consists of a
single 250-sheet tray.
rice per page is 10¢ for color and around 2.3¢ for
black-and-white. Those are quite good prices, so you may
want to figure out if you run high-enough volumes to
overcome the high sticker price for the printer itself.
This is a good enough model, but it has a lot of compe-
tition in its range, most notably Xerox Phaser 7300, based
on a newer and faster version of the same engine. The
8026 deserves a look, and should do well in
TallyGenicom’s government-oriented channels.
Chart entry — page 117
Irvine, CA
949 583 3000
Vendor Profile
Toshiba, a huge Japanese electronics company, is a rela-
vely small pla
yer in the office equipment market.
Toshiba makes fax machines and copiers, and has recent-
ly entered the color laser printer market. Its current mod-
els are relabeled versions of Lexmark color printers,
including one that has recently been discontinued by
Lexmark. Toshiba’s partnership with Lexmark is part of
a strategy to offer a broader range of devices to its cus-
s, whic
h is especiall
y important w
hen it comes to
ding on large multi-machine deals. Toshiba has intro-
duced relabeled versions of Lexmark’s monochrome
laser printers as well. Note that Toshiba prices for
machines and options are list. They tend to have prices
similar to Le
k equivalents, but you’ll have to negoti-
ate consumables with your dealer. All Toshiba models
come with Ethernet included. You can add duplexers,
memory, and paper trays to match other Lexmark mod-
els in the respective families.
Product Profiles
oshiba e-STUDIO205CP
20ppm full color
20ppm black & white
Same Mac
hine as the discontin
ued Le
k C524dn
Chart entry — page 117
TallyGenicom T8026N
Consumables costs at-a-glance
Full-color cost per pa
k-and-white cost per pa
k toner
$99.00 8,500 $ 0.012 $ 0.012
Cyan toner $154.00 6,000 $ 0.026 N/A
genta toner
$154.00 6,000 $ 0.026 N/A
Yellow toner $154.00 6,000 $ 0.026 N/A
Drum/4-color $349.00 30,000 $ 0.012 $ 0.012
$ 0.1003 $ 0.0233
10.03 2.33
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