E039 Invalid command received from computer
during Scan to PC. An unexpected
condition has occurred on the destination
• Check that the Scanner File Utility on
the destination PC is running properly.
• Confirm that no other programs to
receive network data are running on the
computer other than Scanner File Utility.
• Resolve the error condition on the
destination PC.
E059 Command received from computer is
invalid. An error condition on the computer
running Address Book for Scanner (Private
Address Book).
• Confirm that Address Book for Scanner
(Private Address Book) is running
properly on the destination PC.
• Confirm that no other programs to
receive network data are running on the
computer other than Address Book for
Scanner (Private Address Book).
• Resolve the error condition on the
destination PC.
E061 An error has occurred for one of the group
members (destinations) when group is
selected during E-Mail Send or Scan to PC.
Check the group member (destination)’s
computer and clear the error condition, if
E080 The network cable is not connected
Confirm the network cable is properly
connected. Also, ask system administrator
or support personnel to verify FTP server is
functioning properly.
page 2-21
E081 FTP server login failed. Make sure username and password have
been configured.
page 2-30
E082 Save folder does not exist or path to save
folder is incorrect.
Verify that the FTP server save folder and
the path registered in the machine match.
page 2-30
E083 FTP server returned an unexpected error.
Unable to save.
Ask your server administrator to verify that
the logged in user account has write
E090 POP3 server not found. • Check that the POP3 server is running
• Confirm that there is no link fault by
checking whether the network cable is
properly connected.
page 2-21
E101 Error occurred when multiple destinations
Check for error for each individual selection
and resolve the error condition.
Error code Detail contents Corrective Actions Reference