LaCie Rugged Hard Disk • De s i g n b y ne i l Po u l t o n Troubleshooting
User Manual page 24
Windows Troubleshooting4.2.
Problem Question Solution
The drive is not recog-
nized by the computer.
Is there an icon for the drive in
My Computer?
Go into My Computer and look for an icon and drive letter assigned
to the LaCie drive. If the drive does not appear, follow the rest of the
Troubleshooting tips to isolate the problem.
Does your computer’s con-
figuration meet the minimum
system requirements for use
with this drive?
See section 1.2. Minimum System Requirements for more information.
Is the drive recieving sufficient
If the drive is connected to your computer via USB and does not ap-
pear to mount, the drive may not be recieving enough power from
the USB bus on your computer. Try connecting the USB power sharing
cable as described in section 1.4.1. USB Cables and Connectors.
Did you follow the correct
installation steps for the spe-
cific interface and operating
Review the installation steps in sections 2.1. Conneccting the Interface
Cable and 2.2. Launching LaCie Setup Assistant.
Are both ends of the FireWire,
eSATA or USB cables firmly
Check both ends of the FireWire, eSATA or USB cables and make sure
that they are fully seated in their respective ports. Try disconnecting the
cables, waiting 10 seconds, and then reconnecting them. If the drive is
still not recognized, restart your computer and try again.
Have the USB, eSATA or
FireWire drivers been installed
correctly and enabled?
Open Apple System Profiler and click on the Devices and Volumes
tab. If your device is not listed, recheck the cables and try the other
troubleshooting tips listed here.
Is there a conflict with other
device drivers or extensions?
Contact LaCie Technical Support for help.
FireWire 800 does not
work under Windows
Have you installed the Win-
dows 2000 Service Pack 4?
In order to operate FireWire 800 devices under Windows 2000, the
Service Pack 4 update must be installed. This is a free download of-
fered on Microsoft’s website.
The drive is working
Are there other USB, eSATA or
FireWire devices connected to
the same port or hub?
Disconnect any other USB, eSATA or FireWire devices and see if the
drive’s performance increases.