Copy Paper See: paper
Copy Quantity This display or part of a Touch Screen shows the requested number of
Copy Size Keys Keys used to input the desired size of the copy.
Darker Copies This term refers to the amount of toner placed on the copy through the
imaging process. The amount of toner is controlled by the “darkness” of
the original and the amount of light used during the exposure process;
more light means less toner or image density.
Developer Material This is a supply used in the copier. It usually consists of two parts; a
carrier material and the toner. The developer material is only used by a
technician when installing a new unit or when cleaning a Developer Unit.
Developer Unit An assembly located near the drum inside the copier that delivers the
toner to the drum. It allow the correct amount of toner to be placed on the
drum for each image.
Document Feed Tray The Tray where an original document is placed to feed into an ADF for
automatic feeding and copying.
Document Guide These Guides are located in the Document Feed Tray. When correctly
positioned against the sides of an original document, they help to position
the pages of the document.
Document Receiving
A Tray used to accumulate the pages of an original document that have
completed the copying process.
Document Scale Two scales located to the front and left of the Exposure Glass intended to
help locate original documents placed on the Glass for manual copying
and to identify a part of an original during the Editing process.
Documents The set of pages either placed on the Exposure Glass or in the ADF to be
Drum Assembly The unit located inside the copier that receives the image during the
exposure and imaging process and transfers this image to the copy paper.
It is light sensitive and should be protected from bright lights.
Duplexed Copies Copies that have been imaged on both sides of the sheet.
Energy Saver Key A Key used to place the copier into, or bring it out of an Energy Saver
Mode. In the Energy Saver Mode, the amount of energy consumed by the
copier is reduced.
Energy Star A voluntary program introduced by the United States Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) intended to encourage the use of energy-