4: Configuration
Setting Real Time Clock
Real Time Clock is a built-in function in xPrintServer which time-stamps printing-related activities
such as identifying the time of log activities or print jobs. Real Time Clock is automatically on and
syncs time with pool.ntp.org
(Network Time Protocol) and is set it at GMT -800 PST (Pacific
Standard Time).
To modify the Time-zone
1. Login to the xPrintServer user interface (see Logging In) as the Admin user.
2. Click the Admin tab to access the Admin menu. A list of all available Admin user
configuration options appears to the left of the screen (see Figure 4-5).
The Select Time-zone page is the default page the Admin user will get to upon clicking on
the Admin tab. This page can also be accessed by clicking the Time-zone link on the left
side of the Admin page.
Figure 4-5 Admin Menu (Defaults to Time-zone Link)
3. Click the Time-zone link on the left side of the page to access the Select Time-zone page.
4. Select a new time zone from the Select Time-zone drop-down menu.
5. Click the Change Time-zone button.
6. Click Yes in the confirmation popup that appears.
7. Wait 35 seconds. When the time zone is changed, the xPrintServer device will automatically
restart, bringing you back to System Status on the Home Page. The unit is now set to your
new chosen time zone.
Assigning a Static IP Address to the xPrintServer
Your xPrintServer IP address is DHCP by default, but can be configured with a static IP address.
The Admin user may utilize these instructions to establish a static IP address.
1. Login to the xPrintServer user interface (see Logging In) as Admin user.
xPrintServer User Guide 23