2: Introduction
EDS Device Servers User Guide 13
Figure 2-1. EDS4100 4 Port Device Server
The following list summarizes the key features of the EDS4100.
Includes four serial ports with hardware handshaking signals
Supports RS-232 and RS-422/485
Includes one RJ45 Ethernet port
Supports the IEEE 802.3af standard for Power-over-Ethernet (PoE)
8 MB Flash memory
32 MB Random Access Memory (RAM)
Based on Lantronix’s Evolution OS™
Supports secure data encryption by means of AES, SSH, or SSL sessions
Supports three convenient configuration methods (Web, command line, and
EDS8PR, EDS16PR and EDS32PR Overview
The EDS8PR (8 serial ports), EDS16PR (16 serial ports), and EDS32PR (32 serial ports)
are compact easy-to-use, rack-mountable device servers that give you the ability to
network-enable asynchronous RS-232 serial devices. They provide fully transparent RS-
232 point-to-point connections without requiring modifications to existing software or
hardware components in your application.