EDS Device Servers User Guide 174
Moving, 106
Transferring to/fron a TFTP server, 106
Uploading via HTTP, 106
Filesystem pages, 105
Browser, 106
Loading new, 123
Obtaining, 141
Updating, 123
FTP page, 79
Hardware diagnostics, 113
Host key settings, SSH server, 93
Host settings, 73
HTTP pages, 82
Authentication, 85
Configuration, 83
Statistics, 82, 91, 125
Uploading a file to the filesystem, 106
EDS16/32PR, 26, 29
EDS4100, 20, 24
IP Address Filter page, 110
IP socket diagnostics, 115
Known hosts, SSH server, 97
EDS16/32PR, 28
EDS4100, 23
Line Settings pages, 51
Command Mode, 55
Configuration, 53
Statistics, 52
Loading new firmware, 123
Long name, 123
LPD pages, 89
Memory diagnostics, 118
MIB-II network statistics, 114
Modem emulation
Command mode, 165
Overview, 164
Settings, 69
Moving files to the filesystem, 106
Names, short and long, 123
Navigating through the
Web Manager, 38
Network Configuration page, 48
Obtaining firmware, 141
Packing mode, 68, 164
Pinging an IP address, 116
Processes diagnostics, 120
Properties, 31
Protocol Stack page, 109
Query Port page, 112
Rebooting, 123
Reset button
EDS4100, 24
Reset button
EDS16/32PR, 29
Restoring factory defaults, 123
RSS settings, 88
Self-signed certificate, 101
Short name, 123
SNMP page, 77
Specifications, 156
How it authenticates, 158
Overview, 158
What it protects against, 158
SSH pages, 93
SSH client known hosts, 97
SSH client users, 98
SSH server authorized users, 96
SSH server host keys, 93
SSL, 101
Benefits, 159
Digital Certificiates, 160
How it works, 159
Overview, 159
Start character settings, 59
CLI, 128
HTTP, 82, 91, 125
Line, 52
MIB-II network, 114
Tunnel, 56
Stop character settings, 59
Syslog page, 81
System configuration record
Exporting, 131
Importing, 135
System page, 123
Technical specifications, 156
Telnet configuration, 34
Terminal page, 72
TFTP page, 80
TFTP server, transferring files, 106
Time settings, 122
Traceroute, 117
Transferring files to/from a TFTP server,
Tunnel pages
Accept mode, 61
AES keys, 70