11: Advanced Settings
EDS Device Servers User Guide 117
Command Line
Interface Configuration
Page Settings
Enable Password Enter the password that must be specified to access the
“enable” level in the CLI. Default is disabled.
Quit connect line Enter a string to terminate a connect line session and
resume the CLI. Type <control> before any key the user
must press when holding down the Ctrl key. An example
of a such a string is <control>L.
XML Pages
The EDS can be configured using an XML configuration record. Clicking the XML link in
the menu bar displays the XML page. This page has three links at the top for exporting
an XML configuration record, exporting an XML status record, and importing an XML
configuration record.
XML Configuration Record: Export System Configuration Page
The XML Configuration Record: Export System Configuration page displays when you
click XML in the menu bar. It also displays when you click Export XML Configuration
Record at the top of one of the other XML pages. Here you can export the current
system configuration in XML format. The generated XML file can be imported later to
restore a configuration. It can also be modified and imported to update the configuration
on this EDS unit or another. The XML data can be exported to the browser window or to
a file on the filesystem.