7: Network, Serial Line, and Tunnel Settings
EDS Device Servers User Guide 56
Tunnel – Start/Stop Chars Page
Tunnel –
Start/Stop Chars
Page Settings
Start Character Enter the start character. When this character is read on the
serial line, it either initiates a new connection (for a tunnel in
Connect mode) or enables a tunnel in Accept mode to start
listening for connections. Default is <none>.
Stop Character Enter the stop character. When this character is read on the
serial line, it disconnects an active tunnel connection. Default is
Echo Start
Select whether the start character is forwarded (or “echoed’)
through the selected tunnel when the serial line is read. Choices
On = echo the start character on the selected tunnel when the
serial line is read.
Off = do not echo the start character. (default)
Echo Stop
Select whether the stop character is echoed through the
selected tunnel when the serial line is read. Choices are:
On = echo the stop character on the selected tunnel when the
serial line is read.
Off = do not echo the stop character. (default)
Tunnel – Accept Mode Page
Accept Mode determines how the EDS “listens” for an incoming connection. If you click
Accept Mode at the top of one of the Tunnel pages, the Tunnel – Accept Mode page
displays. Here you can select the method for starting a tunnel in Accept mode and select
other settings for the tunnel selected at the top of the page.
Under Current Configuration, Local Port has a Reset link if it has been changed from
the default. If you click this link, a message tells you that your action may stop an active
connection. Click OK to proceed or Cancel to cancel the operation.
For more information about Accept mode, see Accept Mode on page 146.