
Web-Manager Configuration
WiBox2100E User Guide 38
character is received from the serial port.
With Active Mdm Ctrl In: Accepts external connection
requests only when the modem_control_in input is asserted.
With Start Character: Attempts to connect when it receives a
specific start character from the serial port. The default start
character is carriage return.
Manual Connection: Attempts to connect when directed by a
command string received from the serial port.
Auto Start: Automatically connects to the remote IP address
and port after booting up.
Start Character
If Active Connect is set to With Start Character, enter the
start character in this field. The default setting is 0D.
Modem Mode Indicates the on-screen response type when in Modem Mode
(if Modem Mode is enabled). The default setting is None.
Endpoint Configuration
Local Port
Enter the local port number.
Auto increment local
port number
Select to auto-increment the local port number for new
outgoing connections. The range of auto-incremented port
numbers is 50,000 to 59,999 and loops back to the beginning
when the maximum range is reached. Disabled by default.
Remote Port
Enter the remote port number.
Remote Host
Enter the IP address of the remote device.
Common Options
Telnet Mode
This field is available for configuration only when Active
Connection is not set to None. Select Enable to permit
Telnet communication to the WiBox unit.
Terminal Name This field is available for configuration only when Telnet Mode
is Enable.
Use the terminal name for the Telnet terminal type. Enter only
one name. When this option is enabled, the unit also reacts to
the EOR (End Of Record) and binary options, which can be
used for applications such as terminal emulation to IBM hosts.
Connect Response A single character is transmitted to the serial port when there
is a change in connection state. The default setting is None.
Use Hostlist
If this option is set to True, the device server scrolls through
the hostlist until it connects to a device listed in the hostlist
table. Once it connects, the unit stops trying to connect to any
others. If this connection fails, the unit continues to scroll
through the table sequentially until it is able to connect to
another IP in the hostlist.
The hostlist is disabled for Manual Mode and for Modem