Show 802.11 Errors Rightmost Number
00000100 Authentication with the AP failed because the WEP key the unit is using is not
the same as the key the AP is using.
00000080 Authentication with the AP failed because either the unit or the AP sent an
incorrect authentication packet. Some APs will erroneously return this error
code when the problem is actually "authentication type not allowed".
00000040 Authentication with the AP failed because the AP does not allow the
authentication type requested by the unit.
00000020 Authentication or association with the AP failed for administrative reasons.
00000010 Reassociation with another AP serving the same ESS as the previous one failed
because the association could not be confirmed by the previous AP.
00000008 Association with the AP failed because the AP does not support all 802.11
options requested by the unit.
00000004 Authentication or association with the AP failed, or the unit was
deauthenticated or disassociated by the AP for a reason explicitly given as
00000002 Could not find any beacons matching the network parameters the unit is
configured with. Most likely there is no AP or ad-hoc network within range
that satisfies the unit's ESSID, NETWORK-TYPE, and CHANNEL
00000001 Internal error.
B.2.2 Rightmost Number
80000000 Unassigned.
40000000 Unassigned.
20000000 Unassigned.
10000000 Unassigned.
08000000 Unassigned.
04000000 Unassigned.
02000000 Unassigned.
01000000 Unassigned.
00800000 Unassigned.
00400000 Unassigned.
00200000 Unassigned.