
Device Installer
*** Trigger 2
Enable serial trigger input (N) ?
Trigger input1 [A/I/X] (X) ?
Trigger input2 [A/I/X] (X) ?
Trigger input3 [A/I/X] (X) ?
Message ():
Priority (L):
Min. notification interval (1 s):
Re-notification interval (0 s):
*** Trigger 3
Enable serial trigger input (N) ?
Trigger input1 [A/I/X] (X) ?
Trigger input2 [A/I/X] (X) ?
Trigger input3 [A/I/X] (X) ?
Message ():
Priority (L):
Min. notification interval (1 s):
Re-notification interval (0 s):
3.15.1 E-mail Setup
E-mail setup requires you to set up the e-mail server location as follows:
Mail server: The IP address in decimal-dot notation.
Unit: The user name used by the NET232/USB to send e-mail messages
Domain: The Domain name of your e-mail server
Recipient 1: Full e-mail address of the recipient.
Recipient 2: Full e-mail address of the second recipient.
3.15.2 Trigger Setup
A trigger event can occur by receiving two bytes of a specified sequence on the serial port. If the serial
sequence is set to 00,00 then it is disabled. At the Serial Sequence prompt, enter the ASCII Hex value.
Example: A two byte sequence of 12 would be 0x31, 0x32.
Set all the configurable pins to X (Don’t Care) so they are disabled. If both the serial sequence and the
configurable pins are disabled, the trigger is disabled.
Message: Enter the subject line of the e-mail.
Priority: L is for normal priority, H is for High Priority.
Min. notification interval: The minimum time allowed between individual triggers. If a trigger event
occurs faster than the minimum interval, the trigger will be ignored.
Re-notification interval: If a single trigger event stays asserted, then an e-mail message will be sent
at this time interval.
Each trigger is independent from the others. Each condition within an individual trigger must be met before
the e-mail will be sent.
NET485 User Guide 3-39