7: Setup Mode: Channel Configuration
UDS2100 User Guide 47
Figure 4-7. Hostlist Option
To enable the hostlist:
1. Enter a Connect Mode of 0x20 (2X), where X is 1-5. 1=start with any character,
2=with active DTR, 3=with carriage return, 4=manual connection, 5=autostart.
The menu shows you a list of current entries already defined in the product.
2. To delete, modify, or add an entry, select Yes. If you enter an IP address of, that entry and all others after it are deleted.
3. After completing the hostlist, repeat the previous step if necessary to edit the
hostlist again.
4. For Retrycounter, enter the number of times the Lantronix unit should try to
make a good network connection to a hostlist entry that it has successfully
ARPed. The range is 1-15, with the default set to 3.
5. For Retrytimeout, enter the number of seconds the unit should wait before
failing an attempted connection. The time is stored as units of milliseconds in the
range of 1-65535. The default setting is 250.
d) Datagram Type
Directed UDP When selecting this option, you are prompted for the Datagram
type. Enter 01 for directed or broadcast UDP.
When the UDP option is in effect, the unit never attempts to
initiate a TCP connection because it uses UDP datagrams to send
and receive data.