4: Using Setup Mode for Configuration
XPort™ User Guide 26
4800, 9600 (default), 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, and 230400 bits per second.
XPort-03 and greater units also support high-performance baud rates of 460800, and
921600 bits per second (see Expert Settings on page 38).
I/F (Interface) Mode
The Interface (I/F) Mode is a bit-coded byte entered in hexadecimal notation.
Table 4-2. Interface Mode Options
I/F Mode Option 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0
7 Bit 1 0
8 Bit 1 1
No Parity 0 0
Even Parity 1 1
Odd Parity 0 1
1 stop bit 0 1
2 stop bits
1 1
(1) 2 stop bits are implemented by the software. This might influence performance.
Note: If attempting to select an I/F Mode bit that pertains to RS-422/485 on
XP1001000-01 or XP1001000-03, a” WARNING: RS-422/485 I/F Modes Not
Supported” message displays. RS422/485 settings are available on the
XP1004000-03 (XPort-485).
The following table demonstrates how to build some common Interface Mode
Table 4-3. Common Interface Mode Settings
Common I/F Mode Setting Binary Hex
RS-232C, 8-bit, No Parity, 1 stop bit 0100 1100 4C
RS-232C, 7-bit, Even Parity, 1 stop bit 0111 1000 78
I/F Mode: XPort-485 only
Additional settings for RS-422/485 are available on the XPort-485.
Table 4-4. Interface Mode Options
I/F Mode Option 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
RS-422/485 0 1
RS-485 2-wire 1 1