
13: Action Settings
xSenso User Guide 71
Table 13-8 SNMP Trap Settings
To Configure Terminal Block Power Alarm Settings
Using Web Manager
To configure terminal block power alarm, go to the Setup tab/page, click Action in the menu,
and select Terminal Block Power Alarm from the drop-down menu.
Using the CLI
To enter the terminal block power alarm command level: enable -> config -> action
-> terminal block power alarm
Using XML
Include in your file: <configgroup name = "action" instance = "Terminal
Block Power Alarm">
To Configure Barrel Connector Power Alarm Settings
Using Web Manager
To configure barrel connector power alarm, go to the Setup tab/page, click Action in the
menu, and select Barrel Connector Power Alarm from the drop-down menu.
Using the CLI
To enter the barrel connector power alarm command level: enable -> config ->
action -> barrel connector block power alarm
SNMP Settings Description
Add an Action
(drop-down menu)
Select SNMP Trap for the alarm or report.
State Check to enable or disable:
Introduce additional SNMP Trap configuration fields when enabled.
Reporting Check the types of reporting to include:
Serial Number
System Long Name
Terminal Block
Barrel Connector
Analog Input 1
Analog Input 2
Analog Output 1 (for xSenso 21A2 only)
Analog Output 2 (for xSenso 21A2 only)
Relay Output 1 (for xSenso 21R2 only)
Relay Output 2 (for xSenso 21R2 only)
Note: Your reporting selections made here will apply for all the connections you
Reminder Interval Specify how long to wait in minutes before an SNMP Trap is sent to the remote
host. Blank the display field to disable reminders. Data will only be sent once by