13: Action Settings
xSenso User Guide 67
Table 13-3 Make Connection Settings
Output Select the output number from the drop-down menu. Additional Analog Output
configuration fields become available if a specific output number is selected.
Selecting "None" stops control of analog output and does not reset the output
Alarm Value Provide the value to be asserted on the selected Analog Output when the alarm
is turned on.
Normal Value Provide the value to be asserted on the selected Analog Output when alarm is
turned off.
Make Connection
Add an Action
(drop-down menu)
Select Make Connection for the alarm or report. The Address field will appear.
You can create up to 10 connections. Repeat entry for the fields below of each
connection. There are a maximum of 10 connections for each alarm type and a
total of 40 hosts under “make connection” across all alarm types.
Address To establish a connection when the alarm is on, provide either a DNS or IP
address of the remote host. Multiple connection and reporting options will
Reporting Check the types of reporting to include:
Serial Number
System Long Name
Terminal Block
Barrel Connector
Analog Input 1
Analog Input 2
Analog Output 1
Analog Output 2
Relay Output 1
Relay Output 2
Note: Analog outputs are only supported for xSenso 21A2 and relay outputs are
only supported for xSenso 21R2. Your reporting selections made here will apply
for all the connections you make.
Reminder Interval Specify how long to wait in seconds before trying to reconnect to the remote
host. Blank the display field to disable reminders. If more than one Connect host
is specified, connections are attempted without delay; so the single Reminder
Interval applies to the delay between successive attempts to them all. Data will
only be sent once by default.
Port Enter the port number.
Mode Select the mode:
Note: This configuration field appears when more than one connection is
Protocol Select the appropriate protocol: TCP, UDP, SSH, Telnet, TCP AES, UDP AES,
and SSL.
Contol Analog Output
Settings (continued)