PC3500TX Terminal Installation & User’s Guide - 15
Test Mode
Use the Test Mode to make sure the keypad, memory; real time terminal, and badge
reader are working.
NOTE: You can exit Test Mode at any time by placing the Test/Use switch back to the
USE position (toward the modular jacks), then pressing the Clear key.
To start the Test Mode
♦ Locate the Test/Use switch on the back of the terminal.
♦ Slide the switch into the TEST position (away from the modular jacks). The terminal
♦ Press the Enter key to go into Test Mode.
TEST MODE (128) (YY)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The terminal displays “TEST MODE” on the top line followed by two sets of numbers.
The first number shows the amount of memory installed (in kilobytes). The scrolling
numbers on the right (YY) show the terminal Real Time Terminal advancing in seconds
Now you can test the keypad and badge reader.
To Test the Keypad
♦ When you press a key, the terminal beeps and displays the key value on the 2
♦ Press Enter to see
To Test the Badge Reader
Test Mode accepts swipes from the badge reader. To test the reader, swipe a badge. The
terminal beeps and displays the badge data.
♦ Swipe a badge through the slot reader.