P A Y C L O C K U S E R ’ S G U I D E
Overtime, 30
Package Contents, 5
Password, 27, 61
Pay, 30
PayClock Client Installation, 62
PayClock Client Software WAN Installation, 66
PayClock orb, 25
PayClock Proximity Terminal - PC50/60, 1
Personal Tab, 38
Product Overview, 1
Purpose of this User’s Guide, 1
Registering PayClock, 27
Re-opening a closed pay period, 53
Reports, 56
Reports Tab, 25
Rounding, 31
Running Reports, 56
Salaried Employees, 36
Schedules Tab, 37
Scheduling Tab, 25
Searching for Exceptions, 51
Selecting an Employee in the Timecard, 45
Selecting Exceptions, 51
Selecting the Pay Period in the Timecard, 45
Setting the columns in the Employee List, 41
Setting the columns in the Timecard, 43
Setting up Multi-User, 15