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Uploading data Battery is low
Downloading data Battery is full
Content downloaded Battery is charging
Tablet is connected to computer via USB cable GPS is on
Settings Icons
Wireless & Networks
Configure your tablet’s wireless connections, such as WLAN and Bluetooth.
Set volume, notifications, ringtone, and screen locks.
Set the screen brightness and screen timeout options.
Location & Security
Select the GPS location source to use, set the screen unlock pattern, or enable the SIM card lock.
Manage applications and the installation of new programs.
Accounts & Sync
Sync your data with Google services.
Back up personal settings and other application data, restore a backup, and back up to factory settings.
SD Card &Tablet Storage
Check the available storage card and tablet memory, reset the tablet to its factory default settings, or format the
SD card.
Language & Keyboard
Set the operating system language and region. You can also set on-screen keyboard options.
Voice Input & Output
Set the speech synthesizer controls and default settings. Before using this feature, you sign in to your Google
account if any. This tablet supports only English.
Extra plug-ins are required to download through the Android market.
Date & Time
Set the date, time, time zone, and date or time format.
About Tablet
View the tablet status such as the network type, signal strength, battery power level, and network name. You can
also view the legal information and software version of your tablet.