Figure 18 - Manufactured Home Chimney Height Requirements
Chimney Height Requirements - Site-Built Residential Home
The vent termination height required is - USA, 1-foot minimum; Canada, 3-feet minimum above the roof penetration point as illustrated below (Ref.
USA - National Standard, NFPA 211 and Canada National Standard CSA B365-01. Check with your local building offi cial for additional requirements
for your area.
Figure 17 - Site-Built, Residential Home Chimney Height Requirements
Termination Cap Must Be
Listed To UL 641 or ULC S609
Termination height is measured
above the highest point where it
passes through the roof surface.
USA 1 Foot Minimum
CANADA 3 Feet Minimum
Chimney Height Requirements - Manufactured Homes
The chimney must extend 3 feet (.92 meters) above the level of roof penetration and a minimum of 2 feet (.61 meters) higher than any roof surface
within 10 feet (3 meters) (see below). Check with your local building offi cials for additional requirements for your area.
To pass inspection in nearly any jurisdiction, the chimney must meet both safety and exhaust fl ow requirements. The (3 feet by) 2 feet by 10 feet rule
applies to both masonry and factory built chimneys
* Ref. NFPA 211, Vents installed with a listed cap shall terminate in accordance with the terms of the cap’s listings.
Less than
10 Feet (3 m)
10 Feet
(3 m)
3 Feet (914 mm)
2 Feet (610 mm) Min.
3 Feet
(914 mm)
m = meter
mm = millimeter
Requires A Listed
Termination Cap *
Top Of Flue Must
Be 3 Feet Higher
Than Highest
Point Of Roof
Top Of Flue Must Be 2
Feet Higher Than Any Part
Of Roof Within 10 Feet